Our Mission

We strive, in everything we do, for our efforts to be located at the intersection of the following diverse goals

  • Compliance

    Clarkian Medical provides an impeccable level of guideline-compliant care to hospitalized inpatients.

  • Efficiency

    Reconciling staffing shortages and resource limitations by delivering care conscientiously and ensuring efficient patient throughput.

  • Patient Communication

    Communicating early and often with patients and caregivers to set realistic expectations and ensure seamless transitions of discharge care from day one.

  • Provider Communications

    Communicating early and often with primary care providers to keep them involved with care plans, ensuring seamless transitions back to the outpatient setting while minimizing unnecessary hospital readmissions.

  • Standardisation

    Establishing and following team protocols to ensure standardization of care and facilitate handoffs and crosscover among different staff.

  • Protocols

    Our daily workflow is designed to empower staff to make critical choices quickly and easily, always focussed on patient outcomes and efficiency.